Surf Lakes Wave Pool
If you’re a surfer or wanting to get into the sport, getting perfect waves can prove difficult. The swell and wind conditions have to work in harmony. And not to mention you will more often than not have to wait your turn in a busy lineup. This requires a lot of patience and luck just to get a few good rides. Fortunately, there is a lot of competition with wave pool concepts popping up around the world, with some better than others.
With that said, one wave pool concept really stands out from the competition. ‘Surf Lakes’ in Queensland Australia, has a huge pump that produces 5 simultaneous wave sets. Each wave is catered to 5 different levels of surfing from beginner to pro. The video footage of the pump looks like something out of a Mad Max movie. Placed in a circular lake means that there can be up to 200 people in the water. The company’s motto is “everyone gets a break”, with a staggering 2,000 waves per hour capacity. It’s every surfer’s dream to be able to access an unlimited amount of perfect waves. Keep your eyes open when one of the licensees opens one for the public to enjoy.
More info at Suf Lakes
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