Surf travel takes some preparation. First, you have to figure out how many boards to take to be ready for different swell conditions. Second, you have to pack them as safely as possible so they don’t get damaged, as they often do. Third, you have to find out how much the airline is going to charge you, which isn’t usually cheap. Fourth, you have to find a taxi on your way to and out of the airports that will fit your boards, yourself, your luggage and those travelling with you. Not to mention you have to carry everything during the whole trip. That’s the usual routine for anyone for intends to travel for surf which quite frankly can be a bit of a burden. But what if you could take steps 1 to 4 out of the equation and just rock up at the airport with your passport and a carry on. Would you sign up? Luckily there is a service that does exactly that … making your life easier.
Awayco is a global surfboard-membership program that lets you travel boardless while giving you access to a range of boards that suits you as well as the surf conditions. Available in 17 locations across Australia, Bali and California (with many more locations planned) you can book your board and bring it back when you’re done. Nice and easy! They carry a variety of boards from different shapers such as Haydenshapes, JS Industries, Channel Islands, Slater Designs, Firewire, Pyzel, MF Softboards, …Lost, DHD, DP, Aido, Rusty, Panda, Catch Surf and more. So you won’t end up renting a crappy old board on the beach that is yellow, full of dings, not the right size for you and that looks like it’s dating back from the 80’s.
Another advantage is that it gives you the opportunity to test a range of different boards before spending $800 plus dollars into a brand new one you’re not sure you will like. And you can also avoid having a stock of surfboards that take a lot of space accumulating dust. You will be like a kid in a candy shop trying different brands you would not otherwise get to ride unless purchased. With membership costing $60 per month and a first month free trial, this solution is quite attractive. It’s just more fun and less hassle. More info…
Did you know: SPRINZ, or the Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand, has revealed that surfers spend around 8% of their surf session actually surfing, 28% waiting for the right wave and a whopping 54% of the time paddling.(Source)
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