If you were thinking of quitting coffee like my second half has because of teeth staining effects, you might still be able to stay hooked to the bean. CLR CFF is the world’s first clear coffee. It looks as transparent as water while keeping the coffee taste. The London-based Slovakian founders, David and Adam Nag, wanted to solve the teeth staining issue of their much beloved brew. They have achieved this with methods they say have never been used before and they’re not revealing their secret. This clear coffee – Clr Cff is made using high quality arabica and clear water. It contains no preservatives, artificial flavours, stabilizers, sugar or any other sweeteners. Presented in a clear glass bottle it can be drunk cold or mixed with spirits, including for a new breed of espresso Martini. The question is will this new coffee option be for your wake up or cocktail time? Cost: $5
Did you know: Studies have shown that drinking caffeine can increase your metabolism 3 to 11%, which can help with burning fat.
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