I personally hate receiving gifts which I have no use for and that just end up collecting dust in a cupboard. So here is a hint you can give to your nearest when there’s a gifting occasion approaching and you don’t want another slogan t-shirt, moustache lotion or gaudy perfume. The Aesop Perseus Skincare Kit has everything you need to make your face look fresh and the products have that calming natural scent and are packed with natural ingredients that are surprisingly effective. This skin and body care trio by Australian brand Aesop is suited to men of all skin types. The ‘Perseus’ men’s skincare kit is presented in a black tin and includes the Fabulous Face Cleanser (100 ml), Moroccan Neroli Post-Shave Lotion (60 ml) and Geranium Leaf Body Cleanser (200 ml), all packaged in Aesop’s distinctive brown glass bottles and beige and black aluminium tubes. In fact, why not just buy it for yourself and hint to be gifted another. Price: $79
Did you know: Aesop was an Ancient Greek fabulist and story teller credited with a number of fables now collectively known as Aesop’s Fables.
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