If you happen to be travelling you may not want to carry your electric toothbrush which can be a bit heavy to carry. Only option left is to use a plastic one that will inevitably end up in a landfill. The Goodwell toothbrush aims to change this habit with their sustainable biodegradable brush. You can choose from 3 different types of recycled aluminum handles in gold, black or silver just like an iPhone. Then you just add the biodegradable heads made of Binchotan fibers that remove plaque, prevent bacteria and viruses from growing. You can also add a flosser or a tongue scraper and choose the subscription service to always be on top of your game.
Did you know: According to the researchers at the University of Manchester in England your toothbrush can contain more than 100 million bacteria including E.coli and Staphylococcus (Staph). Sounds nice doesn’t it?
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